Introduction to Studying Italian in the Greater Los Angeles Area
A good place to start in your search for Italian studies (language, literature, and more), in the greater Los Angeles area, the entire Southwest, and Italy, is the Web site of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura (IIC: See: INSTITUTIONS, Government, “Education.”) You will also find there information on scholarships. Here instead we provide a guide limited to Italian in Los Angeles: university departments where one can obtain a degree in Italian, community and city colleges, language institutes, high schools, elementary schools, tutors, and miscellaneous other courses such as cooking, opera, traditional music, and more.
Education Office (Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles), See INSTITUTIONS, Government
Fondazione Italia
10350 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 310-691-8909
The Fondazione coordinates and promotes Italian at all levels, in collaboration with the Education office of the Consular authority, the IIC, and other partners:
Italian classes for adults and children offered in association with community organizations in Bakersfield, Montebello, Santa Barbara, San Diego, San Pedro, and other locations in Southern California
Italian language, cooking, and culture classes for adults offered in cooperation with Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Los Angeles
Saturday Italian classes for children offered in Santa Monica
Initiatives to promote and fund Italian language instruction in schools from pre-school through high school
Continuing Professional Education of elementary and secondary Italian teachers
Development of curricular materials and methods suited to Italian language instruction in the communities it serves.…